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    青岛政务网 发布日期 : 2020-09-09

    Situated  along the side of Huiquan Bay and built in 1901~1903, No.1 Bathing  Beach covers a water area of 290,000 m2 and sand beach area of 24,000  m2. It’s the earliest public coastal bathing place opened up in Qingdao.  In 2003, the municipal government reformed No.1 Bathing Beach and  linked up the mountain, sea and activity space with axial line to lay  stress on the sea integrating features and penetrating effect. The  dressing room was modified into partially exposed basement, and the roof  covering was built into the seashore touring and sightseeing sidewalk,  which doubled the sand beach area. The government also increased the  supporting service facilities and horologe tower for providing the  information concerning time, climate, water temperature, tide, etc.. The  number of bathers in summer comes to tens of thousands of persons every  day.

    Situated  along the side of Huiquan Bay and built in 1901~1903, No.1 Bathing  Beach covers a water area of 290,000 m2 and sand beach area of 24,000  m2. It’s the earliest public coastal bathing place opened up in Qingdao.  In 2003, the municipal government reformed No.1 Bathing Beach and  linked up the mountain, sea and activity space with axial line to lay  stress on the sea integrating features and penetrating effect. The  dressing room was modified into partially exposed basement, and the roof  covering was built into the seashore touring and sightseeing sidewalk,  which doubled the sand beach area. The government also increased the  supporting service facilities and horologe tower for providing the  information concerning time, climate, water temperature, tide, etc.. The  number of bathers in summer comes to tens of thousands of persons every  day.



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